FamousVeggie.com's Celebrity Interview with
Joann Farb.
1. What type of vegetarian are you?(vegan,lacto,lacto ovo,etc.)
2.At what age did you make the decision to go vegetarian?
I was thirteen when I first made the connection between the meat on my
plate being the body of a dead animal. I quit eating mammals and called myself
"vegetarian"...(but I wasn't really as I still ate birds and fish) My
diet followed a gradual evolution as I learned more and thought more carefully
about the impact that my choices have upon others. By 29 I was vegan.
3. What was your reason for going vegetarian?
Initially it was because I didn't want to kill beings that I could
relate to. Over the years my reasons multiplied and sometimes changed. For
awhile, while studying microbiology in college my views even embraced a
"survival of the fittest" attitude -- but still I continued to be
vegetarian because by then, I had seen how much healthier I was being a veggie,
plus after years of not eating meat it grossed it me out. Eventually I came
full circle and embraced veganism because I didn't want to cause any suffering,
because I felt it was healthier and because I felt it was better for the planet
as a whole.
4.What (if anything) do you find hard about being vegetarian?
So much of our culture centers around food based celebrations.
Participating in these is offensive to me, and yet I still want the sense of
community. So I tend to host most major holidays and events at my home. All my
friends and family know that we keep a vegan home, and not to bring any
non-vegan food. Invariably I do almost all the food prep. It's starting to wear
me out -- especially now that I have two small children. I wish there were more
vegan families around for a sense of community, without me having to put out so
much effort all the time.
5. Do you find that you feel better or worse since going vegetarian?
Absolutely better -- physically, and emotionally!
6.What about animal rights do you have any thoughts on that?
I think animal rights, human rights, women's rights, gay rights, are all
basically saying the same thing -- that consideration for the suffering of
others should not be denied upon that other being a member of some disempowered
group. While in theory I support animal rights, I seldom get involved with
animal rights activities. I feel that influencing people to quit eating animal
products does far more to reduce suffering then working on all the other animal
rights issues. As long as we (as a culture) are not shocked at the idea of
killing another being purely on the basis of appetite -- we will never convince
people to see animals as anything other then property or useful
7.Are your husband and two daughters also vegetarian?
Yes, my children have been vegan since conception.
8.So you live in Kansas. Is that a vegetarian friendly state?
It is on our fifteen acres!
9.Tell the readers about your book Compassionate Souls..
I wrote Compassionate Souls after years of research and soul searching
trying to figure out how I would raise my children to have the best odds of a
long healthy, good life, while becoming good citizens who would be good
stewards of the planet. While I found many wonderful ideas and good sources of
information not readily available through the mainstream media and
establishment, I had to search out these things from many different places. And
I kept finding many parents also seeking "alterna" information who
hadn't even considered some of the many arena's that they might look into.
For instance while attachment parenting is growing in popularity, many
of the families who consider themselves AP really aren't aware of how unhealthy
their chosen diets are, and how the foods that they are feeding their children
might be predisposing them to serious health problems. Or parents might be
aware of the debate over vaccines, and looking into that, but not have given
any thought to be exposed to sonograms, over the counter medicines, and
molecules of plastic from food and beverage containers while pregnant.
I wanted to put all of my information on vegan pregnancy, conscious
birth, attachment parenting, discipline, creating a peaceful home,
vaccinations, dealing with the extended family, the importance of community,
toys, and teaching your children to swim against the tide in one place....with
additional references available for a more in depth look at any of these
topics. My website Compassionate Souls.com has additional information for those
who are interested.
10.Do you have any new projects coming up in the future?
My parents fiftieth anniversary bash is at my house (vegan of course)
That is about all I can think of right now!
11.What are some of your favorite things to eat?
I love fresh ripe fruit of all types in the prime of its season, Tofu
"icecream" Tossed salads with some really yummy vegan dressings. I
make awesome seitan crepes with a creamy white wine sauce, My husband's potato
latkes are terrific too. Let's see......... I love black been burritos, stuffed
mushrooms, Amy's Roasted Vegetable Pizza, My remake of Lox, Bagel and Cream
cheese (it's in my book) Shepherd's pie, Vegetable lentil soup, scalloped
potatoes, Blueberry Tofu Cheesecake.....
12.What do you think is the biggest mistake parents make these days?
Blindly thinking that following the path laid out by mainstream
institutions (medical specialists, schools, media, etc etc) will help them to
raise healthy, well-adjusted compassionate children. I saw it quoted somewhere
recently something like, "learning to adapt to a sick society is not a
sign of health" If parents want what is best for their children, they will
have to begin an earnest search to discover what lifestyle choices are most
consistent with our fundamental biological and spiritual needs. And they will
have to be willing to question some our cultures "unquestionable
assumptions" Then they must be prepared to be challenged and occasionally
condemned for not doing things just like everyone else.
13.Have any last thoughts or words of wisdom?
When Dr Benjamin Spock first proposed an approach to parenting, that
relative to that time period was far more compassionate then the norm, it set
the stage for a whole revolution when those young people grew up, more
thoughtful, more questioning, and willing to stand up for principles that they
believed in. Although the 60's are long gone, the strides that we made then in
terms of civil rights, and women's rights and environmental activism, have
become part of the tapestry of our culture. Right now, all over this country a
new ideological revolution is fomenting. It is starting with a philosophy
called attachment parenting -- popularized by another pediatrician -- Dr
William Sears. Compared to many of the parenting practices that are now the
norm, attachment parenting is far more compassionate. When a critical mass of
children raised AP grow up, they will face the greatest challenges in terms of
worldwide environmental and population pressures that humans have ever
encountered. I believe that these AP children will be the leaders in a new
ideological revolution. But instead of this one being fueled by civil rights, I
believe this next one will be about animal rights, and humans will once again
extend their circle of compassion even farther.
multumim Andreina pentru articol, foarte frumos povestit, mi-a atras atentia in mod special ultimile doua parti - 12 si 13. Raspunsul intrebarii nr 12 il simt si eu, rezonez cu el, imi pare tare bine atunci cand vad, aud, citesc despre aceste lucruri "si la altii"...